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Taking Charge of Your Mental Fitness and Well-Being
(Bi-Weekly Online Support Sessions & Video Course)
Police, Military, Corrections Officers, Firefighters and Emergency Medical Personnel
Mental Fitness & Resilience  Stress Management & Stress-Injury Prevention Skills

Sponsor someone in need

Enable us to offer free services to those who need it, but can't afford the cost.

One Time Donations
Monthly Donations

Monthly Support (sponsor someone in need)

Enable us to offer free services to those who need it, but can't afford the cost.

Bi-Weekly Support

Bi-Weekly Mental Resilience Support Session Subscription (Details Here

Subscription base fee is Can$ 9, or you can offer a sponsoring monthly fee


By offering more then the basic subscription fee you can support others, 

who are unable to make any financial contribution. 

A Can$ 25 monthly subscription fee, supports others, and gives you

50% off our live in-person Workshops.

Video Course (Details Here)

Free or with suggested donations:

Can $ 49.00.

By offering more then the suggested donation you can support others, who are unable to make any financial contribution.

Video Course
Please Note: Our Online Video Course will be ready & available online by end of November 2018
You can pay now (see above) or e-mail us Here to Register and get notified

What is this Support Service all about? 

View a brief video statement about this opportunity.


When you sign up, with a yearly subscription and a payment of minimum Can$ 9 per month, you will receive the online course free.  

"Your life is dependent on staying calm and making appropriate 

decisions while under stress"

Lt.Col Scott McLeod, Canadian Forces, Deputy Surgeon General

"Knowing the other and knowing oneself,
In one hundred battles no danger.
Not knowing the other and knowing oneself,
One victory for one loss.
Not knowing the other and not knowing oneself,
In every battle certain defeat."

Sun Tzu, 'The Art of War' Denma Translation

"For years, so many of us involved in military ... tactical training opted for the ‘sexier side’ of our skill sets, working on deadly force, discriminative marksmanship, or defensive tactics, but rarely, if ever, factoring in the mental side and its importance to our success" 

Lt. Col. Eduardo Jany, USMC

“I approached it with mindfulness, … as much as we pump iron and build physical strength, we need to build our mental strength”

Phil Jackson used mindfulness techniques coaching the Chicago Bulls & the Los Angeles Lakers to a total of 10 NBA championships 


The US Naval Research Centre together with the US Marine Corps, and the Mindfitness Institute conducted several research studies on the mindfulness and body-mind exercises included in MbwareTraining programs. 

More on Research Here

Watch this Police Research Brief (a video summery)

Or view full research paper PDF here

A Pilot Study Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Mindfulness-Based Intervention on Cortisol Awakening Response and Health Outcomes among Law Enforcement Officers

Michael S. Christopher; Richard J. Goerling; Brant S. Rogers & Matthew Hunsinger; Greg Baron; Aaron L. Bergman; David T. Zava

Contact Us Here to set up an introductory presentation for your organisation. 

Evidence-based, mindfulness-based training modules

  • Designed by military and security officers

  • Based on MBSR, Martial Art, somatic and warrior exercises 

  • Based on 30 years experience in training mindfulness techniques in various professional contexts 

  • Customized to honor your professional culture and operational reality



10  /  11  /  2016

Romeo Dallaire Child Soldier Initiative Staff Training


09  /  11  /  2016

MBWARE at FORUM 2016 in Vancouver


  “This program

has given me

an arsenal of surprising, effective methods and techniques,

as well as the confidence to apply them skillfully.”


First Responders & Correctional Officers Symposium

Congressman Ryan in conversation with E. Stanley, retired US Marine Cpt., about mindfulness for the military.

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